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Let’s face it—working with mean bees is not fun. Here is a guide to remedy this situation.Read now
Why Aren't My Supers Filling?
Although frustrating, it’s pretty easy to diagnose in most cases. Here are the most common reasons your bees aren’t filling your supers with honey.Read now -
Queenless in Late Fall
Read nowBy: Blake Shook It goes without saying, there’s never a good time to be queenless - but late fall or winter is the worst time! Suppliers are no longer offering queens and let’s face it – drones are all but...
How To Tell If A Hive Is Queenless
Read nowThere are a variety of ways to tell if your hive has lost its queen, and at some point, each hive will eventually lose its queen. At times, they requeen themselves and we never know it, (which isn’t ideal) and...
What if My Hive Becomes Queenless in Late Fall or Winter?
Read nowFirst, verify they are actually queenless. Depending on what part of the country you are from, queens either completely stop laying in the fall or at least dramatically reduce laying. If you are in an area that typically remains above...
I think my hive is queenless...what should I do?
Read nowFirst, does your hive have eggs or larva but no capped brood? If that’s the case, the hive amost likely has a newly installed, or reared queen, and the new queen is just getting started laying. If your hive has...