Hive Inspections: The Most Important Things to Look For
Doing regular hive inspections is crucial for having healthy, thriving colonies. Listen as Dr. Jamie Ellis tells us what is most important to look for during these hive inspections.
Doing regular hive inspections is crucial for having healthy, thriving colonies. Listen as Dr. Jamie Ellis tells us what is most important to look for during these hive inspections.
Understanding what you’re seeing in your hive—while it may look different each time—comes with experience. That’s what ultimately helps guide you toward the right decisions. It’s essential to manage your hives with respect for their natural dynamics. Always take action when your bees show you that they need help! By staying vigilant and following these best practices, you’ll be able to support your colonies effectively throughout the seasons.
Being able to identify a hive that is underfed is crucial for beekeepers. Watch as Blake Shook shows us evidence of a hive that was underfed and the results from it.
A nutritionally starved hive can show a variety of symptoms and can occur at different times of the year. Being able to recognize these signs is crucial for maintaining healthy hives. With careful attention to your hive’s nutritional needs and timely feeding, you can help ensure your bees remain healthy and strong throughout the spring season!
How to spot visual signs of Varroa mites in a bee hive video
Varroa mites are considered the leading cause of honey bee mortality worldwide. This may sound alarming, but it's a sobering reality, especially with recent reports showing honey bee colony losses exceeding 50% in some regions. By staying diligent in your testing and treatment practices, you can give your bees the best chance for success in managing Varroa mites and sustaining a thriving, healthy colony.