You will need to protect yourself! Our full Super Suit is going to protect you from almost 100% of bee stings, and last for years. However, if you are on a budget, or don’t mind the occasional sting, you can purchase any other options!

2025 201 Advanced Beekeeping Class
Join us for our NEW Beekeeping 201 class! This approximately 6-hour class (lunch included) takes beekeepers that are past the beginner stage of their journey and launches them into a deeper understanding of the following topics. All of which we cover in great detail.
· Biology
· Diseases and Viruses
· Pest management
· Hive Growth/Increasing Honey production
· Requeening
· Laying Worker
· Checkerboarding
· Nutrition
· Problem Solving
· Bearding
· Robbing
9:00 – 3:00 pm Bee yard included (weather permitting)
Cost per participant $129 (includes lunch and morning snack)