Winter is coming!...maybe. You never quite know in Texas! But, over the next month, we should begin to see some cooling across the state! Let's discuss a few common winter prep practices when it comes to the exteriors of our...
Checking for honey stores is very important. Especially nearing the winter months and in the spring! Do the tilt test Do hive checks every 2 or 3 weeks One hive inspection mid to late November for a final check prior...
Feeding dry pollen substitute can be beneficial during the winter months, however, it is not as critical as feeding pollen patties. To feed dry pollen powder, you must place the powder outdoors, ideally at least 20 feet from your hive....
Many beekeepers are very concerned about the cold when it comes time to check their hives in the winter months. However, following a few simple principles, it won’t hurt your hive at all! I always encourage beekeepers to check their hives at least 1 time per month during the winter. Here are some parameters around when to inspect:
1. Make sure each hive has at least 30 pounds of surplus honey stored in the second box. Your bees will need at least 30 pounds of stores to survive the winter. As temperatures drop, bees dramatically slow down the rate at...