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How to tell when your primary surplus nectar flow begins is critical. In this article, Blake explains this topic in detail.Read now
When Do I Super a Hive?
Read nowBy: Blake Shook Is it a time of year, or when the bees reach a certain stage? The short answer is…both! Supering is usually referred to as: adding additional boxes in which the bees begin storing surplus honey. In most...
Managing Single Story Hives
Read nowBy: James Elam Beekeeping popularity among hobbyists is at an all-time high. One of the greatest barriers to some beekeepers is the necessity to repeatedly lift heavy boxes. A deep brood box full of bees, brood and honey should weigh...
Read nowBy: Blake Shook It just happens sometimes! I’m going to address this from two perspectives: You did not use a queen excluder, and the queen is laying brood in your honey super during the honey flow & you are trying...
Secrets to Drawing Comb
Read nowBy: Blake Shook In most circumstances, bees draw out comb much faster, and more cheaply, with the help of supplemental feeding. While bees can absolutely draw out wax on their own without feeding during a honey flow, remember it takes...
Read nowStoring Supers using Wax Moth Crystals 4 Options Regardless of how you protect your bees' hard earned honeycomb from wax moths, it's critical! As soon as you've harvested, and let the bees clean your supers for 24 hours, it's time...