Drones are a normal and healthy part of every hive. Hives will usually remove drones from the hive in the late fall and begin raising them again in early spring. From early spring through late fall, about 10% of the...
Also read: What does a good vs bad brood pattern look like? A poor brood pattern can be caused by many things. Below I’ve outlined the common causes, and how to fix them: A failing queen- As queens age, they...
You've worked hard, spent money, maybe made a bit of honey, but now your hive looks terrible. There aren't many bees, the wax moths are starting to move in, and robber bees are stealing what honey is left. When is...
Bee Yard Shuffle - Sounds like a dance doesn’t it? In reality I guess it kind of is! I write this article today as a suggestion from a beekeeper on our January Monthly Zoom call. So often we see a...