Most beekeeping books explain that swarm cells (queens being raised in preparation for half the bees and the old queen to swarm away) and supersedure cells (queens being raised to replace a failing queen) are easy to spot. Swarm cells...
with Dr. Joe Carson The Natural Science Behind Complete With Chari Elam Beekeeping can be challenging enough—dealing with nutritional issues shouldn’t make it worse! It’s not often that we single out a product to talk about; but when it’s a...
By Blake Shook It is not uncommon to come out of the winter months with an extra box of honey on a hive. I see this most commonly if: The hive had more than two boxes full or almost full...
The following is a broad overview of conditions and causes most commonly found in backyard beekeeper “dead outs.” Some of these conditions are “seasonal” but so many of them could be in any season throughout the year. Condition: Dead bees head...
Equalizing Hives across the Bee Yard Bee Yard Shuffle - Sounds like a dance doesn’t it? In reality I guess it kind of is! I write this article today as a suggestion from a beekeeper on our January Monthly Zoom call....