- As spring enters full swing, your hive should continue to grow rapidly. Feed 1:1
sugar syrup or premade syrup as needed. Work to maintain a 10- to 15-pound
surplus of stored honey or syrup. There should be no need to feed any form of
pollen substitute at this time.
- April is the perfect month to requeen hives. We recommend requeening every
year to ensure seamless brood production and that hives remain as healthy as
- Most splits are made in April, as that is when queens are typically available.
Remember, for best results, give each split at least four frames of brood and a
new queen, and feed well for at least three weeks.
- If you are purchasing hives, nucs, or packages, make sure to feed them
continually at least until the nectar flow begins; verify the queen is laying and add
a brood box when the first box becomes 75% full of bees.
- April is the most common month for hives to swarm. Ensure that each hive has
sufficient room or is split to prevent swarming.
- It is generally not advisable to treat mites (or any other issues) as the spring
honey flow begins in late April or early May in most regions.
- Pull out supers that have been stored with moth crystals and give them at least a
week to air out before placing them on a hive.