You will need to protect yourself! Our full Super Suit is going to protect you from almost 100% of bee stings, and last for years. However, if you are on a budget, or don’t mind the occasional sting, you can purchase any other options!

Honey Robber
A Mann Lake Exclusive! When you’re ready to pull honey, use Honey Robber®. Just a few drops on a fume board will move bees out of supers quickly. Whether it’s cool or hot, morning or evening, you can count on Honey Robber® to get the job done. Contains the same active ingredient as Bee-Go® but works & smells better. No hazardous fee to ship pints, quarts or gallons of Honey Robber®. Honey Robber® can’t ship air.
To use: apply a small amount of Honey Robber to the felt underside of the fume board in the shape of an “X” or “S”. Place fume board on top of the upper super with corners of frames exposed for airflow. Removal time will deepen on temperature and humidity.
Tip: Clean up spills with lemon Mr. Clean.
1 pint: 8 ⅛" x 2 ⅜"
1 quart: 9 ⅜" x 3 ⅛"