You will need to protect yourself! Our full Super Suit is going to protect you from almost 100% of bee stings, and last for years. However, if you are on a budget, or don’t mind the occasional sting, you can purchase any other options!

Nubee 10 Frame Beehive - (1)Deep & (2)Mediums
- Telescoping Top Cover Capped with Galvanized Steel (18-1/2″ x 22″ x 2-7/8″)
- Inner Cover (16-1/4″ x 19-7/8″ x 3/4″)
- Plastic Queen Excluder (16-1/4″ x 19-7/8″ x 1/8″)
- 2 Medium Super Boxes (16-1/4″ x 19-7/8″ x 6-5/8″)
- 20 Medium Super Langstroth Wood Frames (1-3/8″ x 19″ x 6-1/4″)
- 20 Plastic Natural Honey Colored Textured CellTech Foundations (100% Wax Coated)(3/16″ x 16-3/4″ x 5-5/8″)
- 1 Deep Brood Box (16-1/4″ x 19-7/8″ x 9-5/8″)
- 10 Deep Brood Langstroth Wood Frames (1-3/8″ x 19″ x 9-1/8″)
- 10 Plastic Black Textured CellTech Foundations (100% Wax Coated)(3/16″ x 16-3/4″ x 8-1/2″)
- Solid Bottom Board (16-1/4″ x 22″ x 2-9/16″)
- Entrance Reducer (14-5/8″ x 3/4″ x 3/4″)
- Assembly Required Unless Otherwise Specified
From day one NuBee has sought to lower barriers that prevent people from picking up the veil and becoming a backyard beekeeper. With this goal in mind, NuBee originally focused on developing an 8 frame hive that would be as light and durable as possible, at an honest price.
Since then NuBee has grown into 10 frame beehives and are now a favorite first hive among beekeepers. Their balance between high quality and affordability is second to none. They continue to delight customers with their attention to detail at such a great price. Every joint has been cut using dovetails to ensure a perfectly square hive.
NuBee uses a combination of Fir and Pine to produce treasures that will last for years to come. The craftsmanship is noteworthy and their hive parts are cut using the same industry standard dimensions that all other Langstroth beehive brands are made with. This means every one of their parts are interchangeable with any other 10 frame beehive parts you may already have.
These days, NuBee continues to lower barriers by dedicating its extra time to teaching beekeepers how to start successful apiaries. They are not only equipping you with the right tools, but are focusing on equipping you with the right knowledge on how to use them.