By: Mary Reed - Past Texas Chief Apiary Inspector Entomologist - Secretary, Apiary Inspectors of America Texas Master Beekeeper Program Manager I grew up in a rural part of Florida with parents who allowed their children to roam the great...
By Blake Shook If you have to worry about this, that's a great problem! Keep in mind, when your top box becomes 80% full of bees, brood or honey, it’s time to take action! There are 3 primary options to...
Topics Beekeepers Can't Agree On! By: Lynne Jones I started beekeeping in September of 2016 – five full years, and this will be the first year I am planning to do splits for the purpose of increasing my colonies. I’ve...
Can you actually prepare ahead of time for spring splits? You bet you can! Things to do NOW: Have your equipment on hand– Consider that each split will require either a Nuc box or an 8 or 10 frame hive box plus,...
Learning Opportunity, Mistakes, and Other Miscues! By year three in our beekeeping journey, my wife Sally and I realized we had a problem; we were running out of room for bees at our home bee yard! Solution: Find property and setup a...
By: Blake Shook It’s the time of year new beekeepers need to be thinking about setting up their bee yards. In some instances, some relatively intense work can be involved in preparing the space. Notice I didn’t say “hard” work…...