By: Chari Elam The "Notch" For beekeepers that use telescopic lids, inner covers are necessary in that it prevents bees from propolizing the outer lid to the box. But are you taking advantage of another attribute to these inner covers? How to use the notch: For...
At some point in your beekeeping journey, moving a hive (or hives) will be necessary. Here are some tips to help make it a smooth – stress free event. By: Chari Elam Long distance move (beyond your property) Prepare the...
Topics Beekeepers Can't Agree On! By: Lynne Jones Queen Excluders below your honey supers - always, never, sometimes? That was the question I asked beekeepers in two Facebook groups on April 1st. Out of twenty beekeepers that responded, a whopping...
By: Nanette Davis Beekeepers anywhere in Texas or neighboring states are likely to have opened a hive at some point and caught sight of a small dark beetle scurrying about like a minuscule rat across the inner cover. For the...
Having only new foundation can really slow the progress when expanding hives. Regardless of your particular focus – there is a solution! Drawing comb in new colonies If you’ve just purchased a Nuc, package, new hive of bees, or made...
By: Chari Elam May runs a close second to the busiest time of year for beekeepers – July honey extraction rightfully holding first place! Right now, we’re running around determining which hives are ready for supers and in some cases,...