By: Blake Shook While testing is the ideal method for determining your Varroa mite levels, there are some visual clues of a Varroa infestation. Keep in mind, if you are seeing visual clues, it often means your hive has an...
Feeling frustrated and ready to quit After three years and not once any honey in a super, this hobby has only cost me time and money. Things were starting to look up! A super was being filled! I had...
By: Blake Shook If you keep bees in the southern half of the US, especially within 500 miles of the coast, you’ve most likely had to deal with small hive beetles. They are especially problematic when trying to feed pollen...
Managing your Land to Support Bees By: Matt Fuller Ph.D. My family has been involved in farming and ranching since “the old days” when ancestors loaded on a boat and made the trip to Indianola, ready to make the inland...
By: Ronnie Smith CALLI-POWELL RANCH, Texoma, TX Folklore or Fact Our family has been raising honeybees for three years. We have found the internet and Texas Bee Supply to be invaluable resources. In 2020 with COVID 19 causing limited interactions...
Hive Management Software can make it easy! By Micky Cross - Past 1st Vice President Montgomery County Beekeepers Association If you’re a beekeeper like me, you know that tracking your hive inspections, the age and origin of your queens, your...