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Working Bees in the Heat
Read nowKeeping Yourself Cool Keeping Your Bees Cool The Heat is On! I don’t have to tell you that, do I? You’d think a person would “acclimate” to the heat, but – me, not so much – probably has a lot to do...
What to do with High Moisture Content Honey
Read nowHigh moisture honey can certainly be a problem, as honey over about 19% can easily ferment. We often see high moisture honey in especially wet springs or humid areas, if honey is harvested too early, or water was introduced during...
What if My Hive Becomes Queenless in Late Fall or Winter?
Read nowFirst, verify they are actually queenless. Depending on what part of the country you are from, queens either completely stop laying in the fall or at least dramatically reduce laying. If you are in an area that typically remains above...
Requeening vs letting bees raise their own
Read nowThis topic is often debated, and a frequently asked question. As usual with debated topics, this issue has pros and cons on both sides. I want to share my opinion based on my experience, then outline the pros and cons...
I think my hive is queenless...what should I do?
Read nowFirst, does your hive have eggs or larva but no capped brood? If that’s the case, the hive amost likely has a newly installed, or reared queen, and the new queen is just getting started laying. If your hive has...