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Learn how the tricks behind visually checking for Varroa mites. With this guide you can identify the signs of a mite infestation. Protect your home and health today.Read now
Natural & Chemical Varroa Treatments
What's the difference between Natural & Chemical Varroa Treatments and can I do one without the other?Read now -
Hive Forensics
Read nowBy: CHARI ELAM Or maybe better titled - "What in the world happened to my hive?" I first wrote a version of this article last year about this time and received very good feedback from a lot of beekeepers! Turns out,...
If I Don't Control Varroa Mites Will My Bees Become Naturally Resistant to Varroa?
Read nowBy: Blake Shook Unfortunately, no… Not controlling Varroa will allow them to spread not only to your other hives but often to all the hives within a few miles of your own bees. Not controlling Varroa, in some manner, is...
Varroa Destructor
Read nowWhat is the Varroa Mite (Varroa Destructor)? Simply put, it is an external parasitic mite that attacks and feeds on our Western honey bees, Apis Malifera. The Varroa mite is considered the # 1 cause of death in honey bees...
Varroa Destructor - Treatment Options made EASY
Read nowTreatment Options made EASY By: Chari Elam I can relate from experience the overwhelming feeling when faced with having to choose a Varroa treatment. What do I use? How do I use it? Will it hurt my bees? And the...