You will need to protect yourself! Our full Super Suit is going to protect you from almost 100% of bee stings, and last for years. However, if you are on a budget, or don’t mind the occasional sting, you can purchase any other options!

Varroa destructor mites (an external parasite) weaken honey bees and can lead to the demise of your hive if left untreated. Api-Bioxal is an oxalic acid treatment that is approved by the E.P.A. under a label developed by the USDA making it a safe, effective solution for killing mites.
The 35g package treats 20-35 colonies depending on the method used.
Quick facts and tips about Api-Bioxal:
- It is the only oxalic acid on the market that has been approved for use with honey bees.
- Can be used when honey supers are on the hive.
- Oxalic acid works best on colonies with little to no brood.
- Always wear a protective mask, gloves, glasses, and long sleeves when mixing and applying oxalic acid.
- Do not perform multiple treatments on each generation of summer or winter bees.
- Treat all colonies in the apiary at the same time to avoid reinfestation.
- The 35g package can treat 20 colonies using the dribble method and 35 colonies using the vaporization/sublimation method
- The 350g package can treat 200 colonies using the dribble method and 350 colonies using the vaporization/sublimation method
- Api-Bioxal can be applied either via the dribble or vaporization/sublimation method (explained below). You can also spray package bees following the instructions on the Api-Bioxal label.
- Treating against varroa is necessary to keep honey bee colonies healthy and strong. However, treatment is not recommended unless you know that your varroa mite count is in excess of the treatment threshold. You can learn more about how to test for Varroa Mites HERE
- Api-Bioxal has a 5-year shelf life
- Not available in California
Instructions for the dribbling method:
- Dissolve oxalic acid in 1:1 sugar syrup. The recommended ratio is 35g dissolved into 1L of sugar syrup.
- Dribble 5ml of the syrup/oxalic solution onto the bees in each occupied bee space with a syringe or an applicator.
- Maximum dose: 50ml per colony.
Instructions for the vaporization/sublimation method:
- Seal the entrance and cracks of the hives with tape.
- Use the vaporizer following the manufacturer’s directions.
- Use 1g of Api-Bioxal per brood chamber.
Warning: Use protective mask, gloves, and glasses, and long sleeves when mixing and applying oxalic acid.
35g: ~ 5 ¼" x 9 ¾"
350g: ~ 5 ¼" x 10 ¼" x 1"