Feeding syrup is, for most regions, a critical aspect of hive management. There are times when feeding is not necessary. However, as a beekeeper, you will most likely need to feed frequently, or at least at some points in your beekeeping journey.
It’s a fair question! Is pollen substitute actually necessary? Why should you feed pollen substitute at all? Don’t the bees gather pollen themselves? Honey/syrup are the carbs in a bee’s diet, (See “Why Feed Syrup?”) and pollen/pollen substitute is their...
Many beekeepers are very concerned about the cold when it comes time to check their hives in the winter months. However, following a few simple principles, it won’t hurt your hive at all! I always encourage beekeepers to check their hives at least 1 time per month during the winter. Here are some parameters around when to inspect: